Friday, September 25, 2015

Be Grateful

Hi everyone! I hope this day has treated everyone well!

I wanted to send out a reminder today. That reminder is about being grateful. Spend some time today thinking about things or people you are thankful for.

Some simple examples are:
-Your parents
-Your siblings
-Our 5 senses
-Your washer and dryer

And the list goes on. Just take time each day to think of at least one thing you are grateful for and this will change your perspective on a lot of things.

You will notice more patience, happiness, and other good feelings.

Start today!

Much love,

Erik Bustillo!


1 comment:

  1. Erik! You are right on! What a beautiful post! If we aren't grateful we look at the world through foggy lenses! We bring ourselves down and lose our vision for our vast potential! The Nutritionista aka Pam the Dietitian :D
