Sunday, June 1, 2014

Time flies when you're living life

We're used to hearing the saying "time flies when you're having fun." Sure. it's true. When we're having a good time we tend to lose track of time and then when we finish what we are doing we cannot help but wonder "where did the time go?!" Now, my question is, why can't we "have fun," all the time? We should strive to ENJOY EVERY SINGLE SECOND WE BREATHE. Life is a reason to celebrate all in itself. We should not take things for granted as we have love and happiness all around us. And if we don't, we can certainly find it. The take home: Love your life and the people in it. Remember that we never know when our last breath will be taken, so take every opportunity to the maximum level of happiness! Be great. Erik B. MTWABP!

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