Friday, August 7, 2009

The twilight series

So, last night I finished reading the final book from the twilight series, "breaking dawn." These books are amazing. Each book is captivating and it was hard for me to put them down. If Stephenie Meyer ever reads this blog, I want to tell her thank you for writing them. I really didn't want "breaking dawn" to end. When I was finished, I was a little sad because I knew that that was it for the series, but I'm so glad that I read them. Stephenie Meyer did a wonderful job. She kept me into the story every second. I felt as if I were part of the books. If you haven't already read the books, READ THEM!! I saw the movie "twilight" before I read the first book, but a friend of mine HIGHLY recommended that I read the first one, and I did. Thank you to her. I aslo want to thank her for lending me the books!! =] It doesn't matter if you're a male or a female. Some people choose to talk bad about the twilight series, but they probably haven't given it a chance. From a guy's perspective, it was a wonderful journey through a fictional tale that had quite a bit of reality to it. I hope Stephenie Meyer releases another. We'll see. ;]

Erik B.

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