Monday, August 31, 2009

The right choices...(In my opinion)

To live life in vain is to not live at all. Many people take things for granted, such as life. At one point I was one of those people, but I've been approaching things differently for a while now. One must realize that life is a gift, and it should be enjoyed to the fullest. Enjoying your life means to have fun, but to be responsible as well. For instance, if one is going to go have drinks, make sure you don't drive after you've drank. That is being irresponsible. You see, I don't drink or smoke. Maybe a drink every so often, but that is quite rare. People ask me, "what DO you do?" Are you for real? What do I do? There are so many things that one can do without participating in activities such as binge drinking and getting high. As a matter of fact, one does not have to "be on another level" to have a good time. Yea, so what? I'm always sober.... That doesn't mean I don't have fun. And being sober is a great thing, atleast for me it is. I can drive my friends if they've been drinking and I can take care of them if they're in need of it. People judge too hastily. So until you've gotten to know me, don't pass judgement so quickly because I choose not to drink nor smoke. As cliche as it may sound, I'm high off life!! And I always have a great time!!

"Come take a walk with me, but only if conversation is acceptable and minds are open."

Erik B.

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