Friday, June 5, 2009

It's nice to live in a fairy tale sometimes...

It feels good when you watch a movie or read a book and you really get into it. You begin to live it in a way (like Jose with Quantum of solace, inside joke.) It's nice to dream of a world where you can have the woman/man of your dreams. But then we are brought back to the reality of life where there are rarely any Elizabeth Swann's and William Turner's or Bella Swan's and Edward Cullen's. When you read the book or watch the movie, your mind drifts into a better place. You feel nothing but what is happening in the story. When returned to reality, you see that things are different. Chivalry is no longer common in men. Loyalty is rarely seen amongst humans anymore. Many males are assholes and many females are bitches. Excuse my choice of words but I felt them to be the most fitting. To find a good man/woman as one's significant other is difficult, but not impossible. Keep searching for that someone, and never give up. True love comes easy when found. It's the search that may be a little tough. We can't make men be gentlmen and women be ladies, but we can start by being gentlemen and ladies.

No dream is out of reach.

Erik B.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful. your best blog yet. it was like i was writing it. lol bravo.
