Sunday, March 29, 2009

LoL!! Can you believe that?!

Ok, so someone who doesn't have the courage to say who they are commented on one of my blogs and they wrote some pretty offending things. Well, I have to be honest, I personally was not offended by what an embarassed-by-who-they-are-person wrote because I feel sorry for them. It is not there fault they cannot speak articulately, intellectually, intelligently and at the same time elaborate on a topic they are not educated on. No, it's not their fault.... Who am I kidding, it is there fault. I don't feel sorry for them. But hey, it's ok, stay embarrassed by who you are, like 2-Pac said, "I ain't mad at cha."


1 comment:

  1. everyone carries insecurities, some just try to cover it up more than others. when people take this too far, I prefer to call it BITCHASSNESS. and Erik, don't feel sorry for them, that would occupy your time, and some people are simply not worth it.
